Thursday 20 July 2017

Binary Option Blog

Opsi Biner. BREAKING DOWN Binary Option. Investors mungkin menemukan opsi biner yang menarik karena kesederhanaannya yang nyata, terutama karena investor pada dasarnya hanya harus menebak apakah sesuatu yang spesifik akan atau tidak akan terjadi. Misalnya, opsi biner mungkin sesederhana apakah pembagiannya Harga ABC Company akan berada di atas 25 pada 22 November pada pukul 10:45. Jika harga saham ABC adalah 27 pada waktu yang ditentukan, opsi tersebut secara otomatis akan dilakukan dan pemegang opsi mendapat jumlah uang tunai yang telah ditentukan. Perbedaan antara Opsi Biner dan Vanilla Biasa . Pilihan hewan berbeda secara signifikan dari pilihan vanila Pilihan vanilla polos adalah jenis pilihan normal yang tidak termasuk fitur khusus Pilihan vanili polos memberi pemegang hak untuk membeli atau menjual aset dasar pada harga yang ditentukan pada tanggal kedaluwarsa, Yang juga dikenal sebagai pilihan vanilla polos Eropa Sementara pilihan biner memiliki fitur dan kondisi khusus, seperti yang dinyatakan sebelumnya. Pilihan hewani adalah oc Secara umum diperdagangkan di platform yang diatur oleh Securities and Exchange Commission SEC dan badan pengatur lainnya, namun kemungkinan besar diperdagangkan melalui Internet pada platform yang ada di luar peraturan Karena platform ini beroperasi di luar peraturan, investor berisiko lebih besar terhadap kecurangan. Sebaliknya, pilihan vanili Biasanya diatur dan diperdagangkan di bursa-bursa besar. Misalnya, platform perdagangan opsi biner mungkin mengharuskan investor menyetor sejumlah uang untuk membeli opsi tersebut. Jika opsi tersebut kadaluarsa keluar dari uang, berarti investor memilih proposisi yang salah. , Platform perdagangan dapat mengambil seluruh jumlah uang yang disetorkan dengan tidak ada pengembalian uang yang diberikan. Opsi Uang Contoh Dunia Nyata. Menganggap kontrak berjangka pada Standard Poor s 500 Index SP 500 diperdagangkan pada 2.050 50 Investor bullish dan merasa bahwa ekonomi Data yang dirilis pada 8:30 pagi akan mendorong kontrak berjangka di atas 2.060 pada penutupan hari perdagangan saat ini Opsi panggilan biner Pada kontrak berjangka SP 500 Index menetapkan bahwa investor akan menerima 100 jika masa depan mendekati di atas 2.060, tapi tidak ada jika ditutup di bawah Investor membeli satu opsi biner untuk opsi 50 Oleh karena itu, jika futures mendekati di atas 2.060, investor akan memiliki Keuntungan 50, atau 100 - 50.Hey ada pedagang opsi biner Setelah berbulan-bulan pengujian Beta, kami dengan senang hati mengumumkan bahwa Binary Signal App sekarang tersedia langsung di web - TIDAK ADA UNTUK DOWNLOAD ATAU INSTALL Aplikasi Binary Signal yang baru untuk web Menggunakan teknologi HTML5 terbaru untuk memberikan binari live terbaik Terus membaca. Sementara strategi trading yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan sinyal pilihan biner live didasarkan pada sistem analisis teknik yang terbukti, banyak trader juga menemukan kesuksesan dengan opsi biner perdagangan seputar berita dan arus. Peristiwa Perdagangan berita memang bisa menjadi strategi yang efektif, namun memerlukan Continue reading. Di posting blog saya sebelumnya, saya menjelaskan mengapa saya hanya memperdagangkan opsi biner FOREX, bukan st Ocks, indexes, or commodity Tapi apa yang mungkin Anda bertanya-tanya mengapa saya memperdagangkan opsi biner FOREX dan bukan hanya FOREX secara langsung Jadi, saya akan menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana opsi biner dibandingkan dengan FOREX di semua Continue reading. As saat kita mendekati ulang tahun satu tahun Peluncuran Binary Signal App, layanan sinyal perdagangan langsung 5 dan 15 menit kami telah berkembang sangat pesat berkat pelanggan kami yang luar biasa yang mendapatkan keuntungan dari 70 tingkat kemenangan rata-rata kami. Jika Anda termasuk di antara ribuan pedagang yang telah terus membaca. Setiap hari Pedagang opsi biner dibombardir oleh berita geopolitik dan ekonomi, seperti data ekonomi pemerintah, yang biasanya menciptakan banyak volatilitas di pasar FOREX. Volatilitas harga semacam itu bisa positif karena menciptakan momentum penting untuk harga FOREX yang substansial. Lanjutkan membaca. Navigasi teratas..Feb 07 Diposting oleh Joe Best. A Opsi Strategi Biner Dasar Strategi. Strategi cukup penting dalam hal pilihan biner trading Sementara strategi spesifik bisa b E membantu setelah Anda memahami proses trading lebih lengkap, panduan pemula untuk strategi sangat membantu saat memulai dengan opsi biner Ini akan memberi Anda dasar-dasar dan membuat Anda siap untuk topik yang lebih maju seperti strategi pengelolaan uang strategis yang spesifik, dan Psikologi trading Strategi trading Anda akan membantu menentukan bagaimana Anda mendekati trading Anda, bagaimana Anda menangani menghasilkan uang dari perdagangan Anda, dan bagaimana Anda menangani kerugian yang juga akan terjadi saat Anda menjual opsi biner. Dalam istilah yang paling umum ada dua pendekatan dasar Untuk strategi dalam perdagangan strategi fundamental dan strategi teknis. Strategi dasar penting untuk mendapatkan pandangan tingkat tinggi karena mereka peduli dengan bagaimana peristiwa dunia nyata seperti data ekonomi, pendapatan, peristiwa geopolitik, mempengaruhi harga aset. Baik untuk memiliki tingkat tinggi ini. Tingkat tampilan, tapi tidak penting untuk perdagangan opsi biner karena strategi teknisnya adalah strategi teknis menggunakan data harga yang visu Sekutu diwakili dalam grafik dan mencoba untuk memprediksi pergerakan harga di masa depan berdasarkan pergerakan harga sebelumnya. Hal ini dilakukan melalui penggunaan berbagai rata-rata, osilator, pengukuran dan perbandingan, garis tren, tingkat dukungan dan daya tahan, dan tipe candlestick. Tip Strategi Perdagangan. Strategi hanyalah beberapa rencana tindakan yang dilakukan untuk mencapai suatu tujuan. Ketika berbicara tentang opsi biner perdagangan, tujuan yang ingin kita cari dari strategi kita adalah menghasilkan keuntungan dan untuk menghindari kerugian. Dengan menggunakan strategi yang konsisten, juga meningkatkan trading Anda dengan mengambil Tebakan dari entri Anda dan dengan demikian berpotensi menurunkan risiko Anda Sebagian besar strategi perdagangan menggunakan analisis teknis, dan karena banyak menggunakan kombinasi alat analisis, ada ribuan strategi yang digunakan. Namun, hampir semuanya termasuk dalam salah satu dari empat kategori berikut..Mengikuti Strategi Berikut ini terlihat untuk mengidentifikasi tren di pasar dan kemudian mendapatkan keuntungan melalui beberapa masukan ke arah Tren. Strategi Aksi Harga Strategi ini terlihat untuk mengidentifikasi pola harga yang sering mengikuti pergerakan yang sama dan menunjukkan keberhasilan yang tinggi. Strategi Jangka Panjang Momentum Ini terlihat menguntungkan dari pergerakan jangka panjang di pasar, biasanya yang dapat dilihat setiap hari. Kerangka waktu atau bahkan lebih lama Mereka dapat mengambil waktu lama untuk mengembangkan dan memberi sinyal beberapa perdagangan, namun biasanya sinyal yang lebih kuat. Strategi Pasar Berjangka Jangka Waktu Karena pasar menghabiskan sebagian besar rentang waktu, strategi ini terlihat untuk mengidentifikasi dukungan dan Daerah resistensi untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari tren jangka pendek dalam rentang atau pembalikan ini dari tingkat dukungan dan hambatan tersebut. Alat Analisis Teknis. Lilin Jepang Ini adalah jenis lilin harga yang paling sering digunakan karena mudah dibaca dan ditunjukkan dengan jelas, terbuka, tinggi, Rendah dan mendekati harga Mereka biasanya digunakan dengan strategi aksi harga, tapi juga bisa membantu dalam memberikan sinyal dari strat lainnya Jenis dan dukungan. Ini adalah tingkat di mana harga secara historis berhenti naik atau turun Resistensi terjadi di mana harga berhenti meningkat saat penjual melangkah untuk mengambil keuntungan Dukungan terjadi ketika harga berhenti turun saat pembeli masuk untuk mengambil aset pada apa yang mereka anggap sebagai Harga murah Dukungan dan resistensi sering ditunjukkan sebagai garis horizontal pada grafik, dan seringkali area di mana harga berpotensi membalikkan arah. Garis Tip Ini adalah garis yang digambar pada grafik yang mengikuti jalannya uptrend atau downtrend Mereka dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan Support dan resistance dan sering menjadi entry point yang baik untuk perdagangan baru. Garis uptrend digambar dengan menghubungkan serangkaian posisi terendah yang lebih tinggi pada grafik harga, sementara garis tren turun terbentuk dengan menciptakan garis yang menghubungkan serangkaian highs. Moving A yang rendah. Sebuah pergerakan bergerak. Rata-rata adalah rata-rata harga untuk x jumlah hari atau periode yang kemudian digambarkan sebagai garis pada grafik harga Ada beberapa jenis moving averages yang dapat dibuat Termasuk yang sederhana, eksponensial, tertimbang dan lain-lain. Sementara garis rata-rata bergerak sendiri dapat mengindikasikan dukungan atau hambatan, biasanya dua atau lebih garis rata-rata bergerak dengan kerangka waktu yang berbeda digunakan, dengan sinyal masuk dihasilkan saat garis rata-rata bergerak melintang. Osilator Ada banyak jenis Dari osilator yang digunakan untuk analisis teknis, termasuk RSI, MACD, stokastik, dan banyak lainnya. Mereka menggunakan berbagai perhitungan matematis dan rata-rata untuk menampilkan aksi harga, momentum, arah tren dan kekuatan serta karakteristik pasar lainnya untuk membantu menentukan sinyal masuk. Komponen lainnya dari Strategi Perdagangan. Psikologi Perdagangan sering diremehkan atau diabaikan, namun ini adalah bagian penting dari permainan perdagangan Psikologi perdagangan yang buruk dapat menyebabkan perdagangan tidak terjawab, perdagangan yang tidak tepat, risiko yang berlebihan dan sejumlah masalah perdagangan lainnya. Pedagang harus memperhatikan Psikologi mereka sendiri yang berkaitan dengan perdagangan dan berusaha memperbaiki pemikiran mereka. Manajemen uang Ini adalah a Nother sering diabaikan komponen perdagangan Sementara strategi adalah satu setengah dari manajemen risiko, setengah lainnya adalah strategi pengelolaan uang dapat membantu Anda mengidentifikasi peluang perdagangan yang baik dan mengelola risiko Anda seperti itu, namun pengelolaan uang yang baik akan membuat Anda tidak terlalu mempertaruhkannya pada satu pihak. Perdagangan Ini harus didefinisikan secara jelas dalam hal ukuran perdagangan, pertumbuhan, stres, dan manajemen risiko masa depan. Opsi biner temping melibatkan risiko substansial dan dapat menyebabkan hilangnya semua modal yang diinvestasikan. Feb 07 Diposting oleh Joe Best. Will you Make Money or Lose Uang dengan Pilihan Biner. Pilihan perdagangan saham terus berkembang dalam popularitas, namun masih banyak yang mempertanyakan apakah Anda benar-benar dapat menghasilkan uang dengan opsi biner Sisa tulisan ini akan mencoba menjawab pertanyaan itu dengan memuaskan untuk Anda. Jawaban atas pertanyaan tersebut Dari apakah Anda bisa menghasilkan uang trading binary adalah ya Namun karena pilihan biner dianggap sebagai instrumen keuangan yang kompleks yang tidak sesuai untuk semua jenis trader sebagai mone. Y dapat hilang juga Seperti halnya produk keuangan, perbedaannya ada pada keahlian Anda dalam memprediksi pergerakan harga masa depan dari aset dasar Ada juga faktor lain yang terlibat, seperti manajemen uang, manajemen risiko, dan psikologi perdagangan Anda. Lihat, tidak benar-benar sebuah pertanyaan sederhana untuk dijawab. Pada akhir hari semuanya bermuara kepada Anda. Jika Anda bersedia untuk dimasukkan ke dalam karya belajar bagaimana kedua analisis fundamental dan teknis bekerja, Anda akan memperbaiki kesempatan Anda untuk sukses. Bagaimana aset dasar yang akan Anda trading bereaksi terhadap berbagai peristiwa global juga dapat membantu Hal ini tidak mungkin untuk dipelajari, Anda hanya perlu bersedia menginvestasikan waktu dan usaha untuk menjadi pedagang berpengetahuan luas dan berpengetahuan Mengobati perdagangan Anda seperti bisnis, Tidak seperti perjalanan ke kasino, dan Anda akan memiliki kesempatan sukses yang jauh lebih baik, meskipun selalu ada risiko yang harus Anda sadari sepenuhnya dan Anda mungkin kehilangan semua modal yang Anda investasikan. Bagaimana Biner Options Work. Binary options memberi Anda kesempatan untuk memprediksi pergerakan harga beberapa underlying asset seperti saham, pasangan mata uang, komoditas, atau indeks saham, dan berpotensi mendapatkan keuntungan dari prediksi Anda. Pilihan opsi mendapat nama mereka karena mereka hanya memiliki Dua kemungkinan hasil Anda memprediksi apakah harga akan naik atau turun, dan opsi biner adalah pemenang atau pecundang, yang juga disebut menyelesaikan uang atau kehilangan uang Bila pilihan Anda berakhir dengan uang yang Anda dapatkan sebanyak 86 Kembalikan investasi Anda Jika pilihannya berakhir dengan uang, Anda kehilangan 100 dari investasi Anda. Di samping menentukan arah harga mana yang akan membawa Anda juga perlu memutuskan berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan agar harga bergerak sesuai keinginan Anda, yang dikenal sebagai Kedaluwarsa pilihan Ini bisa sekecil 60 detik selama seminggu atau lebih Ini dapat menyebabkan gaya perdagangan yang berbeda untuk perdagangan jangka panjang versus perdagangan jangka pendek. Pilihan Opsi Perdagangan Jangka Panjang. Salah satu pilihan Cara untuk perdagangan longe Pilihan biner r-term adalah melalui acara berita Beberapa pedagang menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya untuk menonton rilis produk baru dari perusahaan seperti Apple, karena produk baru tersebut dapat menyebabkan kenaikan harga saham, setidaknya untuk sementara waktu. Pada dasarnya, para pedagang ini akan berjaga-jaga Pengumuman produk dari perusahaan teknologi dan kemudian menandai tanggal rilis pada kalender perdagangan mereka Satu atau dua hari sebelum peluncuran produk mereka akan membeli opsi biner jangka panjang yang memprediksi harga saham yang mendasarinya akan meningkat selama periode 48- 72 jam. Karena biasanya ada beberapa rilis produk baru setiap bulan ini bisa menjadi salah satu cara untuk melakukan analisis walau sendiri saja, tidak cukup pedagang cerdas mengetahui bahwa penting untuk mengambil kedua perkembangan fundamental dan faktor teknis saat trading Analisis fundamental memerlukan kesabaran. Untuk secara konsisten menandai rilis produk ini di kalender Anda dan menunggu hal itu terjadi. Sudah umum meski tidak dijamin melihat stoknya naik Untuk mengantisipasi peluncuran produk baru, inilah yang menjadikan strategi ini populer bagi pedagang opsi biner. Perdagangan Jangka Pendek. Fleksibilitas adalah aspek kunci dalam perdagangan opsi biner. Pedagang dapat melengkapi perdagangan jangka panjang mereka dengan jangka waktu yang lebih singkat Jangka waktu pendek Dapat lebih menantang dan berisiko, dan sangat penting untuk melakukan analisis teknis pada grafik. Analisis teknis ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi tren harga berdasarkan data historis sehingga Anda dapat memanfaatkannya dengan melakukan perdagangan yang diharapkan menguntungkan bagi Anda. Ada banyak strategi yang bergantung pada analisis teknis Beberapa cukup sederhana, seperti perpindahan rata-rata bergerak, sementara yang lain bisa menjadi sangat strategi analisis teknis berbagi satu hal meskipun merupakan aspek penting untuk penilaian situasi pasar saat ini dan menambah Analisis pedagang dan penelitian. Pilihan Biner adalah Produk Keuangan. Pertanyaan apakah opsi biner dianggap sebagai instrumen keuangan untuk exampl E seperti saham sering muncul karena beberapa orang menyamakan produk ini sebagai produk perjudian Sesuai dengan Komisi Eropa, opsi biner memenuhi definisi instrumen keuangan dan oleh karena itu termasuk dalam pengiriman Pasar dalam Instrumen Keuangan Petunjuk MiFID. Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission CySEC , Dan beberapa regulator lainnya, memutuskan untuk mengizinkan perusahaan yang menawarkan opsi biner dan atau mengizinkan penyediaan layanan tersebut di wilayah yurisdiksinya secara lintas batas di Uni Eropa. Kami mendorong Anda untuk berdagang hanya dengan pialang yang diatur agar dapat memanfaatkan Jumlah manfaat seperti transparansi, dana klien tindakan pengamanan, eksekusi terbaik dan banyak lagi. Ingat selalu untuk memastikan apakah Anda diijinkan untuk menggunakan layanan dari masing-masing broker meskipun diatur di suatu tempat berdasarkan persyaratan hukum di negara tempat tinggal Anda. Pilihan biner melibatkan risiko substansial dan dapat menyebabkan hilangnya semua modal yang diinvestasikan. Strategi Cukup penting dalam hal pilihan biner trading Sementara strategi spesifik dapat membantu begitu Anda memahami proses trading lebih lengkap, panduan pemula untuk strategi sangat membantu saat memulai dengan opsi biner. Ini akan memberi Anda dasar-dasar dan membuat Anda Siap untuk topik yang lebih maju seperti strategi trading yang spesifik, money management, dan trading psychology Strategi trading Anda akan membantu menentukan bagaimana Anda mendekati trading Anda, bagaimana Anda menangani menghasilkan uang dari perdagangan Anda, dan bagaimana Anda menangani kerugian yang juga akan terjadi ketika Anda Pilihan biner perdagangan. Pilihan perdagangan mata uang terus tumbuh dalam popularitas, namun masih banyak yang mempertanyakan apakah Anda benar-benar dapat menghasilkan uang dengan opsi biner Sisa tulisan ini akan mencoba menjawab pertanyaan itu dengan memuaskan untuk Anda. Jika Anda menjelajahi kembali dunia Dari perdagangan ada sa kesempatan Anda ve telah melihat ke dalam saham dan perdagangan mata uang, dan bahkan mungkin komoditas perdagangan seperti emas Tapi ada anotnya Caranya untuk perdagangan pasar keuangan yang memungkinkan Anda mengakses derivatif OTC dan itu melalui opsi biner Perdagangan opsi biner adalah jenis perdagangan yang terus mendapatkan popularitas di seluruh dunia karena para pedagang melihatnya sebagai cara yang sederhana secara konseptual untuk mendapatkan akses ke keuangan global. Market. Binary Options trading membawa risiko tinggi dan tidak sesuai untuk semua investor Anda bisa kehilangan seluruh modal yang diinvestasikan Harap pastikan Anda memahami semua risiko yang terkait. Jan 11, 2017 21 13 55 UTC. Sebagai pedagang jangka pendek, Anda memiliki banyak Pilihan di depan Anda Ada pasar Forex, Anda dapat perdagangan saham hari ini, ada pilihan biner, ada spread dan CFD, dan sejumlah jenis instrumen perdagangan lainnya yang dapat Anda pilih dari Bagaimana Anda memilih mana yang terbaik untuk Anda. Panduan singkat ini dirancang dengan harapan Anda bisa sedikit lebih dekat untuk mencari tahu di mana untuk berdagang. Jangan ragu untuk menyelidiki konsep-konsep ini secara lebih rinci mengenai keputusan Anda sendiri saat Anda membentuk keputusan Anda. Lebih banyak. Posted by RTrading - Binary Option Trading. Oct 26, 2016 20 03 54 UTC. Di dunia medis, garis datar adalah istilah yang digunakan saat denyut jantung berhenti Di dunia pilihan biner, istilah ini sedikit berbeda karena Merespons ketika aset digoda dengan garis support atau resistance, entah hampir menyentuhnya, atau nyaris tidak menyilangnya. Strategi garis datar dapat digunakan secara efektif bila ada garis-garis ini, namun hanya dengan cara tertentu, kita akan melihat kondisi apa Anda harus mencari-cari, dan apa yang harus diperhatikan, juga. Jika Anda Memutuskan untuk Menggunakannya. Langkah pertama dalam menggunakan strategi garis datar adalah mengidentifikasi aset yang telah melampaui atau mendekati titik resistansi atau Dukungan Langkah selanjutnya adalah menunggu aset memulai koreksinya. Setelah ini terjadi, Anda harus menunggu aset tersebut mencoba menguji kembali garis resistance atau support kedua kalinya Jika ini tidak terjadi dalam waktu singkat dibandingkan dengan Jangka waktu yang Anda lihat, st Rategy tidak akan bekerja Misalnya, jika Anda melihat grafik 1 menit, maka ini perlu terjadi dalam 10 menit atau kurang dari pengujian awal garis resistensi pendukung. Pada awalnya, aset harus memiliki dukungan atau resistance yang sangat datar. Line yang bekerja untuk itu dan tidak boleh diperdagangkan dalam saluran Perbedaannya tidak kentara, tapi sangat terlihat saat Anda melihat grafik harga Sebuah saluran dapat memiliki perdagangan aset dalam kisaran ketat namun harganya tetap bergerak naik atau turun A Garis datar agar strategi ini bekerja perlu bergerak dalam garis horizontal yang sempurna di muka bagan. Langkah terakhir adalah memulai perdagangan begitu sinyal sebelumnya terjadi, dan telah terjadi dalam urutan yang benar Arah perdagangan Yang Anda buat akan tergantung pada apakah Anda melihat pada support atau resistance line Garis support berada di bawah bagan harga dan jika kondisinya terjadi berputar di sekitar titik ini, maka Anda harus melihat pada panggilan opt Ion Jika terjadi di garis resistance, maka Anda akan ingin mengeksekusi put option. Kedaluwarsa perdagangan yang Anda keluarkan tentu akan tergantung pada bagan yang Anda gunakan. Cobalah untuk menggunakan kadaluwarsa yang sedikit lebih lama dari pada Bagan interval yang Anda gunakan Misalnya, jika Anda memiliki grafik 1 menit, perkiraan waktu harus berkisar antara 2 dan 5 menit. Hal-hal yang Dapat Dipandang Salah Ingat. Strategi ini telah diuji paling teliti di pasar Forex, dan paling banyak berlaku. Langsung ke pasangan mata uang saat Anda menggunakannya dalam dunia pilihan biner Konsep ini dapat diterapkan ke kelas aset lainnya, namun berkat fakta bahwa menemukan data jangka pendek untuk aset lain seringkali lebih sulit dan mahal karena kenaikannya. Biaya dalam perangkat lunak yang diperlukan Menggunakan ini pada aset lain akan sedikit sulit dilakukan dengan tingkat kemanjuran yang sama, maka. Kelemahan lainnya adalah bahwa hal ini bergantung pada apa yang biasanya terjadi bila melihat sejumlah besar Situasi serupa Ini bukanlah sesuatu yang bekerja dalam setiap situasi, dan walaupun memang sering berjalan, Anda juga ingin mengkonfirmasi perdagangan Anda dengan indikator lain. Ini akan membantu Anda memastikan tingkat akurasi yang lebih tinggi dan membantu meningkatkan tingkat keuntungan Anda. Ini akan Secara alami mengurangi jumlah perdagangan yang Anda lakukan, dan ini mungkin memotong jumlah dolar keseluruhan Anda, tergantung pada berapa banyak perdagangan yang biasanya Anda buat dan sifatnya. Dikirim oleh RTrading - Opsi Biner Trading. Pr 25, 2016 12 42 21 UTC. Binary Options Camp adalah kelas manajemen risiko yang dirancang untuk mengajarkan cara berpikir lebih matematis tentang opsi biner perdagangan Meskipun perdagangan biner terutama didasarkan pada pergerakan harga dan arah, mengetahui seberapa besar risiko dan kapan harus mengambil risiko itu penting Bagian dari kesuksesan Anda, terutama jika Anda ingin mengatasi perbedaan pilihan biner yang dibuat oleh pialang untuk mendapatkan keuntungan sendiri Kelas ini dirancang untuk mengajarkan Anda bagaimana cara melakukannya. Kenali hal-hal ini dan buat mereka mulai bekerja untuk Anda, daripada melawan Anda. Kelas terdiri dari lebih dari satu jam pelajaran, catatan, dan kuis video untuk membantu Anda lebih memahami bagaimana menguasai matematika di balik perdagangan opsi biner dapat mengubah Anda dari Kehilangan pedagang menjadi pemenang Satu pendaftaran kelas juga dilengkapi dengan akses ke kalkulator penilaian berbasis risiko online. Kelas dapat diambil dengan kecepatan Anda sendiri sehingga Anda bisa memanfaatkannya sepenuhnya. Apakah itu berhasil. Binary Options Camp memiliki tim yang berpengalaman Bekerja untuk itu Pencipta kelas telah berhasil melakukan perdagangan dan menggunakan prinsip-prinsip ini selama beberapa tahun, dan menggunakan informasi ini di seluruh kelas Informasi dijelaskan secara sederhana, dan contoh diberikan untuk membantu memperkuat konsep yang digunakan untuk membantu menciptakan perdagangan yang menang. . Penting untuk dicatat bahwa ini bukan kelas yang akan mengajarkan Anda bagaimana membuat keuntungan dengan tepat. Kelas bertumpu pada filosofi bahwa menjadi trader jangka pendek yang sukses adalah t lama. Pekerjaan ini karena varians yang alami dalam perdagangan jangka pendek, dan satu-satunya cara untuk benar-benar mengatasi hal ini adalah dengan memiliki ukuran sampel perdagangan yang besar untuk mengalahkan sifat pasar yang berosilasi Bagi banyak pedagang, ini adalah sebuah Konsep sulit untuk dipahami, tapi ini adalah salah satu yang bekerja dan benar-benar akan membantu Anda menjadi trader yang lebih baik. Bagaimana mendaftar. Jika Anda tertarik untuk mendaftar di Binary Options Camp, Anda dapat mendaftar melalui situs web mereka Cukup klik tab Sign Up , Dan Anda akan diarahkan ke halaman checkout Kelas memiliki biaya pengantar sebesar 49, tapi ini akan meningkat menjadi 99 dalam waktu dekat, jadi jika Anda tertarik, penting untuk mendaftar dengan cepat untuk menghemat uang itu..Posted by RTrading - Binary Option Trading. Mar 14, 2016 19 03 32 UTC. Seminggu Ides of March memiliki satu ton informasi ekonomi yang siap diluncurkan. Namun tidak seperti Julius Caesar, para pedagang tidak perlu berhati-hati terhadap informasi penjualan ritel. Dari bulan Februari keluar, seperti juga Angka perumahan, laporan inflasi, Indeks Sentimen Konsumen, jumlah pekerjaan, produksi industri, dan lebih banyak lagi Menonton angka-angka ini mungkin sedikit membosankan bagi mereka yang sangat terlibat dalam analisis teknis, namun informasi yang akan diungkapkan akan memberi kita menyeluruh. Lihat keadaan kesehatan keseluruhan negara bagian AS Ini akan sangat membantu ketika harus menentukan nada keseluruhan yang harus dilakukan perdagangan untuk bulan yang akan datang. Tempat pertama yang harus dilihat adalah perkiraan analis terbaik sebelumnya. Biasanya, ramalan ini sudah diperhitungkan dalam nada pasar Jika semuanya berjalan tepat di pemikiran para analis, tidak ada perubahan sedikitpun terjadi. Namun, ketika segala sesuatunya mulai menyimpang dari prediksi, ayunan liar di pasar dapat terjadi, dan daun ini Buka kesempatan bagi para pedagang untuk mengambil keuntungan dari Jika Anda tidak memperhatikan laporan dan apa yang diharapkan dari mereka, maka Anda membiarkan diri Anda terbuka terhadap kerugian yang tidak perlu. Fede Ral Reserve mengadakan pertemuan kebijakan yang dimulai pada hari Selasa, 15 Maret, dan apa yang keluar dari sini kemungkinan akan mengatur nada pasar untuk sisa bulan ini. Sampai sebuah pernyataan dikeluarkan pada akhir pertemuan ini kemungkinan besar pada hari Rabu Pedagang cenderung sangat berhati-hati Saat Anda mulai melihat pilihan biner pada minggu ini, ingatlah ini hati-hati cenderung bersikap menyamping dan bagi kebanyakan trader biner, ini adalah peringatan yang jelas untuk tidak memasuki pasar sampai beberapa jenis keputusan. Tercapai Tidak ada berita yang tidak sama dengan kabar baik dalam hal ini Jika Anda berdagang, pastikan untuk membatasi waktu sebelum kadaluwarsa dan bahkan mungkin siap untuk mengurangi risiko Anda per perdagangan Pasar sideways masih bisa menguntungkan, namun faktor ketidakpastian meningkat. Secara dramatis Mencari rentang, dan kemudian memanfaatkannya, adalah cara paling jelas untuk tetap berada di depan permainan di sini, tapi ini bisa berisiko jika Anda tidak memperhatikan berita yang sedang dipaksakan ke pasar lain. Dimana lebih banyak informasi tersedia saat ini, seperti pasar Forex, adalah ide bagus untuk beberapa Anda dapat memperdagangkan mata uang melalui opsi biner namun berita yang akan datang juga akan mempengaruhi harga dolar AS, jadi pastikan bahwa Anda memiliki update tepat waktu. Hal lain yang harus di awasi adalah jika Fed menaikkan suku bunga lagi Ini tidak mungkin menurut banyak orang, karena jika memang begitu, volatilitas akan meningkat secara dramatis Inilah yang terjadi setelah kenaikan suku bunga Desember, dan rasa stabilitas baru saja dimulai. Muncul di pasar tiga bulan kemudian Meningkatkan tingkat suku bunga lagi akan menciptakan masalah lebih lanjut dengan pasar saham, dan banyak investor tidak siap untuk menangani hal ini. Sangat tidak mungkin Fed terlalu memperhatikan investor individual, namun tingkat kepercayaan di pasar adalah Sesuatu yang mereka pertimbangkan, dan bukti menunjukkan fakta bahwa ini baru sekarang mulai meningkat. Masih memperhatikan keputusan the Fed akan sangat penting bagi Keberhasilan Namun, jika stabilitas jangka panjang harus dibeli dengan biaya volatilitas jangka pendek, yang pertama akan selalu dipilih oleh Fed, dan untuk alasan ini, sesuatu yang tidak dapat diprediksi dapat terjadi. Memiliki rencana untuk itu, untuk berjaga-jaga, adalah suatu keharusan. Posted by RTrading - Opsi Biner Trading. Jan 22, 2016 15 24 53 UTC. Indices, seperti Dow Jones Industrial Average, tidak memiliki volume perdagangan, per se, terutama karena mereka mengukur kelompok saham, dan bukan Aset sebenarnya itu sendiri Derivatif indeks dapat menjadi aset, dan ini bisa memiliki volume, seperti yang Anda lihat dengan opsi ETF, reksadana, dan biner yang bergantung pada harga indeks untuk nilai mereka, namun indeks itu sendiri tidak dapat memiliki volume Hal ini dapat menyulitkan para trader indeks untuk mengukur momentum ketika sampai pada nilai perubahan aset tapi untungnya, ada beberapa cara untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang akurat mengenai hal-hal yang dikemukakan tanpa jumlah konkret ini. Kita hadapi ini karena sekarang, disana Adalah satu ton fokus pada Dow Hampir setiap t Rading hari di tahun 2016, Dow telah dimulai dengan harga terjerembab, hanya untuk mencoba dan menarik diri keluar dari lubang yang telah jatuh di kemudian hari. Baca selengkapnya. Posted by RTrading - Opsi Perdagangan Biner. Nov 16, 2015 14 04 47 UTC. Sebuah laporan baru-baru ini mengungkapkan bahwa koin emas dijual dengan kecepatan tinggi di Amerika Serikat Terakhir kali ini terjadi adalah tepat pada awal krisis keuangan di tahun 2008 Ada volatilitas pasar saat ini, namun banyak ketidakpastian bahwa Investor melihat didasarkan pada dugaan dan spekulasi tentang apa yang mungkin terjadi di masa depan Baca selengkapnya. Posted by RTrading - Opsi Biner Trading. Aug 17, 2015 19 45 05 UTC. Proses analisis perdagangan opsi biner potensial harus dua kali lipat, termasuk Baik penelitian kondisi pasar umum, maupun pergerakan harga Kedua bentuk analisis ini disebut fundamental dan teknis, masing-masing Meskipun selesai secara terpisah, hasil masing-masing harus digabungkan agar sampai pada tingkat b. Mungkin keputusan saat memasuki perdagangan Panduan berikut akan memberikan langkah-langkah dasar yang diperlukan untuk melengkapi setiap jenis Baca selengkapnya. Posted by RTrading - Binary Option Trading. Jul 15, 2015 12 22 49 UTC. Sekarang minyak telah jatuh 8 persen, apakah itu Benar-benar yang terburuk yang industri minyak mentah akan lihat di Amerika Serikat Inilah yang diyakini oleh banyak ahli, namun apakah realistis untuk mendasarkan perdagangan Anda dari barang ini dari informasi ini Ini adalah aksi jual terburuk yang telah dilihat minyak mentah dalam waktu sekitar lima bulan tetapi Barel masih sekitar 10 dari level terendah enam tahun. Sementara banyak yang percaya bahwa yang terburuk sudah berakhir untuk minyak, yang lain percaya bahwa masih ada tekanan yang jauh lebih rendah dan bahwa ada kemungkinan akan menguji level terendah enam tahun dan di bawah 42 Read Lebih banyak Diposting oleh RTrading - Binary Option Trading. Jun 30, 2015 13 54 53 UTC. Sekarang, pasar saham AS sedang dirobek oleh dua jenis sentimen yang berbeda Satu kelompok orang percaya bahwa pasar membutuhkan nafas dan bahwa sebuah koreksi Adalah ri Ada kelompok yang percaya bahwa ada saham yang akan terus melaju dengan kecepatan sangat cepat yang telah kita lihat selama beberapa tahun terakhir Mungkin saja cukup banyak perdagangan orang ini untuk membantu meningkatkan harga secara artifisial untuk beberapa waktu lagi. Anda dapat menunjukkan dengan tepat di mana peluang ini dapat Anda gunakan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dan meningkatkan tingkat keuntungan Anda sedikit lebih. Pendekatan perdagangan jenis ini memerlukan banyak penelitian, namun ini akan menemukan area peluang yang tidak banyak diminati orang lain. Di pertama. Pertama, berhati-hatilah bahwa banyak saham yang memiliki potensi kenaikan terbesar juga memiliki jumlah risiko tertinggi. Mereka biasanya berbentuk saham murah yang harganya di bawah 5 per saham Tergantung pada bagaimana Anda menukarkannya, mungkin ada Tidak menjadi banyak alasan bagi Anda untuk menjelajah di sini Beberapa saham memiliki batasan bagaimana Anda bisa menukarkannya Misalnya, saat ini tidak legal untuk menjual saham penny pendek ini segera menghapus setengah o F pilihan Anda ketika datang untuk menghasilkan uang Dengan kata lain, trader yang akan sukses secara konsisten di pasar manapun membatasi diri mereka jika mereka mengambil pendekatan ini. Sebaliknya, Anda perlu fokus pada saham yang lebih besar Sekali lagi, Anda akan menemukan diri Anda terbatas. , Meskipun Untuk membuat perdagangan hari keuntungan Anda harus bisa mendahului puluhan ribu dolar sekaligus untuk mengatasi segala jenis varians yang mungkin terjadi. Ini bukanlah sesuatu yang bisa dilakukan rata-rata orang, atau bahkan menginginkannya. Yang harus dilakukan Dan, ini adalah sesuatu yang membatasi profitabilitas Anda. Inilah sebabnya mengapa opsi biner telah berhasil begitu cepat Mereka mengizinkan Anda melakukan perdagangan hari, namun dengan sejumlah kecil uang, mereka membatasi stok Anda yang ada hanya untuk perusahaan terbesar, namun kebanyakan pedagang Sudah dalam situasi ini karena alasan yang tercantum di atas Anda dapat menggunakan semua strategi evaluasi yang sama, namun banyak teknik yang perlu diatasi di pasar saham disederhanakan di sini. Tentu saja tidak sama karena Dari platform perdagangan, tapi ini merupakan titik awal yang bagus untuk pedagang kecil. Seiring pertumbuhan industri, banyak profesional menemukan bahwa mereka lebih memilih binari, bahkan banyak biner meningkat, dan para pedagang menemukan bahwa produk tersebut lebih menguntungkan daripada sebelumnya. Keindahan Dari semua ini adalah kenyataan bahwa meskipun pasar banteng berusia enam tahun semakin meragukan setiap hari, tidak perlu membiarkan ini menyakiti potensi trading Anda karena keterbatasan yang dipaksakan sendiri pada apa yang dapat dan tidak dapat Anda lakukan Jika Anda mengambil posisi Pada saham, dan pasar mulai turun, mungkin ada batasan pada penjualan yang singkat pada tingkat yang lebih komprehensif, seperti yang terjadi setelah gelembung keuangan 2008 Kemudian, penjualan singkat benar-benar dilarang selama beberapa bulan. Jika ini terjadi Di pasar saham saat ini, banyak pedagang, termasuk pengelola hedge fund, berada di tempat yang kasar. Pilihan biner memberi Anda kesempatan untuk tetap membuka alternatif ini dan memberi Anda ruang untuk menghasilkan uang dengan harga yang Anda t Erms karena mereka tidak bergantung pada peraturan pasar saham untuk sebagian besar. Paling tidak, memiliki ini sebagai bagian dari rencana cadangan membuka pintu yang sebelumnya tidak ada. Diposting oleh RTrading - Binary Option Trading. 4, 2015 13 58 54 UTC. CherryTrade adalah broker pilihan biner yang berbasis di Inggris. Mereka relatif baru, namun yang menjadi norma dalam industri yang berkembang pesat ini adalah Despiet yang baru, mereka telah menunjukkan bahwa mereka dapat bersaing dengan nama besar dalam binari mereka. Fokus utama tampaknya diarahkan pada pedagang baru, tapi ini tidak berarti bahwa mereka tidak dapat memasok pedagang besar yang didirikan dengan alat yang mereka butuhkan untuk kesuksesan CherryTrade telah menjadi broker teratas karena suatu alasan, mari kita lihat apa alasannya. Site Standouts. The first thing that you will notice about this brokerage site is the site design It s very sleek looking, and very attractive This is a great thing, but doesn t mean much as far as using the site goes Luckily, the de sign is user friendly and simple to understand This doesn t seem like it should be a useful feature in a financial site these are all about making money, right but with binaries, it is an important thing If the site is smooth and quick to use because of a superior design, then the fast trades, like 60 second options, become a tiny bit easier to navigate successfully This eliminates user error, and it will eventually increase the number of trades that can be made per day Even if that s only one extra trade per day, a winning trader will still benefit quite a bit over the long run Read more. Posted by RTrading - Binary Option Trading. Apr 6, 2015 19 56 43 UTC. Autotrading is a service that allows anyone to trade binary options without the need to complete any analysis or remain in front of their computer for hours on end Once an automated system is set up and certain selections have been made, the only thing left to do is to monitor the progress and outcome of the trades which are executed, collecting any profits have been earned The words, collecting any profits are key in that sentence, as not all systems produce the same results. There exists more than one type of auto-trader Even so, most perform the same base function of entering into trade contracts on behalf of the trader The decisions of which trade to select, as well as the specific parameters selected, are made by the system itself Any decisions related to investment amounts are made by the trader Additional selections may also be made by the trader, depending on the setup of the system This provides some means of control over the overall level of risk Read more. Posted by RTrading - Binary Option Trading. Mar 4, 2015 20 26 48 UTC. Headquartered in London, No1options is a reliable and reputable binary options broker Catering for all types of traders, No1options offers traders access to a powerful trading platform, a wide variety of global assets, a selection of advanced trading tools and much more To ensure their t raders are profitable, No1options also offers competitive payouts on successful trades as well as a variety of exclusive welcome bonuses Added to these benefits is the broker s Risk Free Trading program which enables a trader to trade without the risk of losing any money No1options also provides its traders with access to an exclusive eBook series, eVideos, trading signals, one-on-one training and much more Whether you are new to the world of binary options trading or an advanced pro, No1options has all the trading tools and features required to trade binary options effectively Read more. Posted by RTrading - Binary Option Trading. Feb 23, 2015 21 35 36 UTC. All who trade binary options will have access to a number of helpful strategies, techniques, methods, and indicators Strategies often involve the processes of technical and or fundamental analysis On the technical side of things, it s going to be indicators which are the ingredients that help traders identify existing price trends, af ter which this information can be used to forecast future price trends Divergence is a tool that can help you with this. At a base level, divergence reduces risk levels by allowing you to formulate more accurate predictions for your each of your trades When used as a technical analysis tool, divergence may be used to help you narrow down any asset movement which would indicate an upcoming price reversal Reversals are quite common, as no price can move in the same direction indefinitely Whether you re using it to identify price trends or reversals, any information which is going to allow for better price forecasts is going to be advantageous Read more. Posted by RTrading - Binary Option Trading. Jan 17, 2015 20 40 22 UTC. One of the best binary options trading strategies involves looking at major news events and forming a short term approach off of that info It is a strategy that needs an understanding of trader psychology, and this takes some time to learn well, although for most, the basi cs are pretty common sense Let s outline a brief system for utilizing this strategy Traders all over use this, but it is at its most effective when you use it with binary options and focus on major stocks These are the assets most heavily impacted by news, so this is the best place for you to start. First, pick a sector that you are familiar with When it comes to binaries, there are many tech and energy stocks right now Some brokers might offer major financial stocks, as well, but these are much more rare Binaries are very limited when it comes to asset choice, and while this might seem to hinder you at first, this is a good thing for this strategy It automatically limits your search and makes sure that you are looking at only the companies that will be the most impacted by big news Also, remember that the stock market is huge, and this helps you so that you will not just be overwhelmed by trying to figure out where to start Read more. Posted by RTrading - Binary Option Trading. Dec 9, 20 14 15 01 32 UTC. An easy investing strategy involves looking at companies, thinking about where they will be ten years in the future, and if they feel like they will still be profitable at that point, they are a good long term buy and hold This, however, is not how short term trading works For the short term, the only thing that matters is movement, especially when you look at binary options If you think that a stock will move ten cents in the next 15 minutes, a short lived trade could make you a lot of money if you risk enough. This is why binary options are catching on so quickly They present an opportunity to give yourself a safety net without risking anything extra In fact, you can still make big profits and risk much less due to the high rates of return. You can only use them with major and popular stocks though, like Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft Read more. Posted by RTrading - Binary Option Trading. Hey guys, it s Mike here and many of you have been asking me lately about a binary o ptions and Forex related signal service known as Franco s BinaryOptionsTradingSignals wondering about whether or not you can trust this service and if it is profitable or not Well, as many of you know, for those of you who are apart of my Facebook group of over 12,000 members, I have been suffering from a minor flu and have been away so I thought it would be best just to provide you guys with a complete review of BinaryOptionsTradingSignals on my blog So today we are going to learn just about everything we need to know about Franco s binary option and Forex signal service and if this service is indeed all that it is talked up to be and more. One of the first things that I came across while researching into Binary Options Trading Signals BOTS would be just how long and established this signal service has been in operation I was a bit surprised, to say the least, to know that this service has been around almost a year before I made my debut into the binary options industry, which was a li ttle over 5 years ago To be completely honest, I don t remember ever coming across a signal service for binary options that has been in operation that long, heck only a few really good brokers have been operating that long so that was the first thing to catch my eye Evidently if they are still going strong after 6 years of being in the binary option and Forex industry then in all honesty they must be doing something right. One characteristic about Franco s signal service that I think many of you will find appealing would be how you don t have to sign up and deposit with any binary option brokers I ve begun noticing quite a bit over the past few years just how many services and software require a binary options broker sign up so it is quite nice not to have this requirement forced upon us for once So even if you already have a pre-existing binary options or Forex trading account, you can use BinaryOptionsTradingSignals, although I only encourage you to invest online with regulated binary options or Forex brokers. Now, if you don t have a regulated investment broker account and aren t quite sure where to begin don t worry, I have a compiled list of Regulated Brokers that you can view to learn which ones are suitable for you and can be used for binary options and Forex day-trading With that being said, let s go ahead and move to BinaryOptionsTradingSignals hours of operation Running between the hours of 9 30 A M EST to 11 30 A M EST, which equates to 2 30 P M GMT to 4 30 P M GMT, BOTS operates during the opening hours on the New York trading session What this means would be that it is a perfect service for day-traders who reside within the United States or those who just prefer to invest with the wide number of assets that are available during the NYSE. When it comes to using Franco s signal service, you only have to commit two hours per day to get all of your investing, which is just about the average amount of time devoted by experienced day-traders on a daily investmen t basis So in 2 hours you on average receive between 9 to 15 investment signals, which is about 2 to 3 times more than what you truly need to trade on any given investment day in order to start generating some solid trading profits One of the best aspects about Franco s signals as well would be just how accurate his signals are On average, investors report a success rate between 72 to 80 on a weekly cumulative basis and there are seldom any losing days which makes this service all the better. As many of you know, most legitimate binary option and Forex signal services that are currently in existence operate in an email or SMS signal delivery mode, which is great and all, but sometimes receiving investment signals can be delayed due to this style of delivery Well, this is where BinaryOptionsTradingSignals differs from other promising and accurate services because each trading session takes place in a live, web-based chat room As you can see in the image that I included for you guys below , the set up is rather promising and lets you know what sort of experience you are in for. As you can see, you have the ability to chat with other investors from all around the world, although most of them just point out which investments they placed and help point out possible investment set ups for the rest of the group Now back a few years ago, when Franco s BinaryOptionsTradingSignals wasn t as popular or used by so many investors like it is today, he used to place his signals that the software generates live for you to see on his 24Option trading account so you could see him execute his trades live while using BOTS and just copy his signals. However, due to the scale that this signal service has amounted to, he solely just answers questions, supervises the group much like I do with my Facebook group, and he points out the investment signals generated by the software so that you can get the best entry rates and investment signals possible As I mentioned a few brief moments ago as wel l, you can expect to place at least 5 to 7 high quality signals per day, but oftentimes up to 15 investment signals per trading session are generated which means your earning potential is greatly increased with BinaryOptionsTradingSignals. One aspect that I did notice and that I know all of you would appreciate as well would be how Franco s Binary Options Trading Signals offers a 100 money back guarantee up to 60 full days if you aren t happy with your investment results Although I would almost find it to be near insanity if you weren t pleased with a 70 or higher success rate and placing between 5 to 15 investment signals per day, but like come on now, no other service that I ve come across offers this legitimate guarantee and delivers the results like Franco s signal service. However, just like with any other service that I review, there are always some drawbacks which in the case of BinaryOptionsTradingSignals would be how it comes with a 97 bi-weekly payment requirement, isn t offere d to investors who reside within the country of Canada and lastly because it comes with a minor learning curve Now, more likely than not most of you reading this review won t consider this service anymore due to you knowing the price but let me share some of my wisdom with you so you can know what sort of mistake you would be making if you didn t try out this signal service. If you did some simple math, you would notice how BOTS comes out to be under 10 a day, to be precise it is only 9 70 per trading day Now, if you are telling me that you can t at least earn 9 70 per investment day while using BOTS then I would certainly call you crazy Let s not forget their 100 money back guarantee either which may have left your mind after you read the price tag associated with this software So let me ask you, what do you have to lose besides a little bit of time and effort, which you would ve spent already by researching for a different unproven investment alternative. Who is BinaryOptionsTradingSig nals best suited for Franco s signal service is best suited for binary option and Forex traders who possess an experience level a little bit beyond elementary Although you don t have to do any of the work besides joining the service, taking a couple hours to learn the signaling process and executing trades on your trading platform with your broker, having some investment knowledge beforehand is without a doubt beneficial When getting started with this service, no matter your experience level, I would encourage you to try it with a Free Demo Account for the first few days just until you get use to how this service works. With Franco s signal service being the longest operating and most consistent signal service for binary options, I believe that this service will be a suitable investment opportunity for binary options and Forex traders for the years to come Every trading session is live and all the investment results are 100 transparent, which throws away any illegitimate characteristics that oftentimes are questioned by other signal services Remember, you have far more to gain than to lose with BinaryOptionsTradingSignals due to their 100 money back guarantee and incredible live investment sessions. Want to give Franco s Binary Options Trading Signal service a shot Get Started exclusively at. Thank you for those of you who took the time to read my BinaryOptionsTradingSignals review for binary options and Forex I have been wanting to conduct an in-depth review on them for quite sometime but never really had the incentive until many of your started asking me about their service If you have any experience or feedback to share below about BinaryOptionsTradingSignals or online investing in general, I invite you to share it for everyone to benefit from Want to subscribe to my blog to stay current on all the latest investment news Subscribe above on the right-hand side and join over 5,000 other subscribers currently benefiting from my binary option and Forex reviews. If you ar e new to binary options, I would like to invite you to join my signals group and trading community on Facebook If you have any questions, feel free to comment below this review If you believe you have been scammed or have a scam to report, please make sure to visit for free help. For those of you who would still enjoy getting started with BinaryOptionsTradingSignals, you can do so by visiting Franco s BinaryOptionsTradingSignals but remember I only recommend using this service with a regulated binary options or Forex broker Lastly, I would like you to remember that I don t recommend you to sign up with non-regulated brokers but if you do I implore you to deposit no more than the minimum requirement and never accept a broker deposit bonus or account management services. Note At first, years ago, I believed that MarketsWorld was a scam since I received many complaints about them Later on, I found that they became regulated and thought they had mended their ways so I gave them another shot That s when I wrote the below review, which as you will be able to see for yourself is quite positive Lately however I m having doubts about them again The reason is twofold First, I heard that some of their partners were not getting paid even though they were owed money In fact, they even terminated their contract with the owner of without even giving him a notice Secondly, although they are regulated, they are providing service in countries where it is illegal to do so, such as the US, Australia, Canada and Israel Therefore, it s very possible that they will get shut down when authorities find out So if you decide to work with MarketsWorld, I recommend making a minimal deposit or just using their excellent free demo account For safer choices, please visit my Regulated Brokers page. And now to the review. Given the high-profile of its binary options operation, Marketsworld is definitely deserving of a full and complete review on my part Besides binary options, the broker also offers For ex services The company behind the operation is MarketsTheWorld Ltd and it s based on the Isle of Man Regulated by the local Gambling Supervision Commission, Marketsworld has been a licensed broker since 2011 The reasons why I like this binary option operator are numerous. They have thorough protections in place regarding the funds of their traders and they offer some of the highest returns in the business Their trade order execution speed is also quite outstanding The operation is periodically reviewed and audited by Isle of Man government regulators, to make sure that the prices they offer aren t manipulated in any way The bottom line is that the operation is a solid and reliable one, featuring decent withdrawal times and absolutely outstanding minimums, deposit - as well as investment-wise. Marketsworld also feature a great education section, in which they detail the differences between binary options and other, traditional investment methods Spread betting and CFDs are also considered in this regard I personally prefer to trade binary options with this operator only, despite the fact that their underlying asset selection is rather limited in this regard Still, I have all my favorite currency pairs and commodities, and I don t really care about outliers such as coffee and bananas The fixed risk aspect is obviously one of the biggest advantages of binary options, but there s also the fact that there aren t any broker fees and stamp duties involved, and that large profits can be realized with relatively small investments. The minimums featured by the operator are guaranteed to attract scores of beginners, hence this focus on the basics and education The site offers beginners a full How to Trade guide, and more importantly, a no-strings-attached demo account, with 5,000 practice credits in its balance These demo accounts can be upgraded to real money accounts once the trader feels he she is ready for the leap One has to bear in mind though that no trades can be placed o n credit at Marketsworld. Withdrawals represent one of the most important aspects of a binary option broker in my opinion Therefore, I make a point of delivering as much information about withdrawals as possible in my reviews. The minimums on withdrawals are set to USD10 EUR10 GBP10, below which the broker cannot process requests There is no upper limit on Marketsworld withdrawals It is indeed possibly to cash out one s entire balance at any time. Cash-out requests can be cancelled, but there is no limit on how often one can request a withdrawal Making such a request is very simple one has to access the Deposit and Withdrawal section, through the Your Account page According to the withdrawal processing procedure, withdrawals are made through the same method in which the trader has made his her deposit The oldest deposits are considered first, then, as more money gets withdrawn, newer deposits are lined up as well. Withdrawals are always processed within one business day and the money thus cleared will land in the trader s account within 2-7 business days. In order to prevent fraud and money laundering, Marketsworld does not accept withdrawal requests made within 48 hours from one s last deposit. To have their accounts verified, and thus cleared for withdrawals, traders will be required to provide a number of documents, such as documents regarding proof of identity, proof of residence, as well as copies of the credit debit cards used for the deposits. Payouts and Features. As I stated above, the payout rates offered by Marketsworld are some of the best in the business As far as maximums are concerned, we re looking at 90 in this regard, though it has to be stressed that most payouts will be lower than that During special periods of increased market volatility, the return rates on some options can be as low as 60.Though its underlying asset selection is rather limited, Marketsworld lets its traders place several trades at a time Simultaneous trades can be placed on the same a sset with the same expiry time, as well as on different assets with different expiry times. The Marketsworld platform is extremely simple and easy to use Its charting features aren t exactly impressive, but they do accomplish what they re supposed to The operator offers mobile trading apps too, for Android as well as iOS-based mobile devices. Minimum Deposit and Incentives. The minimums featured by Marketsworld are some of the best in the industry Traders are only required to deposit USD EUR GBP 10 to get a real money account going The minimum stake on options is USD EUR GBP 1, which does indeed give traders plenty of flexibility capital management-wise. Perhaps the most intriguing thing about this operator is the fact though that it offers a wealth of bonuses, rewards and benefits Those making their first trade for instance, can claim the money back in case of a loss, up to USD EUR GBP 50 This risk-free trade deal only applies to one s very first trade though The money that one gets back as part of this promotion is bonus money, and it has to be treated as such The rollover requirements on this bonus are more than reasonable though the money has to be traded once, in order to become cleared for withdrawal. Those looking for more bonus money can opt for a 100 match on their first deposits, up to USD EUR GBP 1,000 The problem with this reward is though that it has to be turned over 50 times before it can be withdrawn. Yet another way to pick up a bonus is to refer a friend In this case, the trader doing the referring gets a 100 match on the friend s first deposit, up to a maximum of USD EUR GBP 500 This bonus money needs to be rolled over 50 times by the referred trader and then 50 more times by the referrer to be cleared for withdrawal. Customer Support. The Marketsworld support staff is available 24 7 The handiest way to contact them is through the Live Chat feature offered by the operator The support email is and there is a UK phone number available as well 44 0 1624 679 022.Marketsworld s Monthly Loyalty Reward. Marketsworld are probably the only broker to offer such a reward to their clients All one needs to do to claim this reward is to go about his her trading as usual The broker tracks one s monthly activity, and if it s deemed worthy, bonus money will be issued at the end of the month. I personally like Marketsworld they re regulated, they offer superb minimums and some decent bonus deals Their return rates are above industry-average on most tradable assets, and their trading platform is decent as well Their demo account is a superb addition to an already attractive offer. However, as I mentioned in the opening paragraph, there s a big downside to working with MarketsWorld Therefore, I only recommend working with MarketsWorld free demo account or depositing small amounts Better alternative include. For US traders Nadex. For Australian, NZ and Japanese traders HighLow and VantageFX. Canadians, sorry, but there is no good binary options broker that is av ailable in Canada at the moment I will provide an update if the situation changes If you re interested in Forex trading on the other hand there are quite a few great Forex brokers that are available in Canada, such as MarketsYes. is without a doubt the top destination for the copy-trading of binary options As such, I felt I had to let you know the opportunities it holds for rank-and-file traders as well as professionals eToro is called an investment network for a good reason its main goal is to connect traders, to allow them to communicate and eventually to simply copy the trades of those who really know what they re doing eToro currently connects 4 5 million traders from 170 countries, and apparently, thousands of new accounts are created every day There s certainly opportunity here, and to take advantage of it, you ll need to learn the ins and outs of this operation. eToro is more than a simple copy-trader though it allows its members to learn from their more experienced peers, and to build up expertise, so one day they can become traders copied by the masses too What are eToro s biggest draws though. First of all, I d never even consider an unlicensed broker or social investment network myself, so I would obvi ously never recommend one to you either eToro is operated by eToro Europe Ltd, which is a registered Cypriot Investment Firm Licensed and regulated by CySEC, eToro offers its traders multi-layered protection against a host of eventualities In the UK, eToro is run by eToro UK Ltd, and it is regulated by the FCA The operation is fully MiFID compliant. Considering the daunting nature of combining flexible trading platforms with the world s largest social investment network, eToro have come up with surprisingly and pleasantly simple solutions Learning to trade through their systems is a cinch even for those who don t have any experience. The social trading aspect is obviously where the bulk of the value of the eToro proposal resides Besides finding profitable traders and copying their moves, eToro enable traders to interact with experts and each-other through live chat and through a number of discussion boards, which are superb vehicles for the propagation of investment ideas. Responsible tra ding is one of the priorities of the operator eToro use preset leverage levels and a number of other responsible trading-promoting features to make sure novice traders do not blow through their balances quickly and with nothing to show for it. The site is focused on personal service Every eToro client can enroll in one of the Trader Programs run by the operator The in-house market analysis team delivers up to the minute reports, and a constant stream of news is served up from some of the top financial sources Traders can set up free practice accounts, with balances of 10,000 in virtual funds The operator also offers a wealth of courses, covering everything from the basics to advanced trading concepts. If you decide to follow a trader and to copy his her moves, you ll be able to see a risk profile on the said trader, complete with trading history Special deals and promotions are also featured from time to time, giving traders the opportunity to add to their balances in various alternative ways. eToro Withdrawals. Withdrawals can be requested at any time from eToro, and provided all the conditions are met, they are processed within a day Money can be withdrawn through the same method the trader used for his her deposit The order of priority in this regard is Credit Cards, PayPal and Bank Wire The time to receive the withdrawn money depends on the method used It can be as little as 1 day, but it will not exceed 8 days, according to eToro Withdrawals can be cancelled at any time, obviously before the actual payment goes through. To make a withdrawal, traders obviously have to have an available balance, and they have to withdraw at least 20 The account has to be verified, meaning that there has to be a green tick next to it To have the account verified, traders will have to provide a selection of documents proving their identity and residence. Every withdrawal carries fees too From 20 to 200, we re looking at 5 From 200- 500, the fee is 10 From 500 upward, the fee is 25 On top of these, conversion fees may be added too, in case the withdrawal is in a currency other than the USD. eToro Features. According to their CopyTrader is based on the wisdom of the masses In this respect, they do indeed have some 5 million users to count on To use the CopyTrader, traders have to register a real money account and then to open the OpenBook platform to locate the top social investors Choosing one of these traders to copy should be based on thorough analysis of the said trader s risk profile and trading history With that out of the way, the follower has to allocate a certain amount of money to copy the social trader, and the copying can begin The minimum amount one can allocate in this respect is 100 One cannot invest more than 500,000 in a social trader. The CopyFunds feature is rather interesting as well It lets traders invest into two types of funds Top Trader CopyFunds and Market CopyFunds The first of those is obviously focused on the best performing traders, while the s econd is based on a strategy centered on a balanced selection of ETFs, CFD stocks and commodities. The Popular Investor program is the rank-and-file trader s most straightforward path to joining the pros Popular Investors are traders whose moves are copied by others Popular Investors earn a 2 commission on their Assets Under Management, on an annual basis In addition to that, Popular Investors get to trade spread-free and they get to keep all their profits from their regular trading. Minimum Deposit and Incentives. According to the eToro site the minimum on first deposits ranges from 50 to 1,000 For instance, Israeli clients are required to deposit at least 1,000 Traders from other locations may be required to deposit less On bank wire deposits, for non-Israeli customers, the minimum is 500 You will want to deposit at least 100 at any rate, because that s the minimum you will need to take advantage of the copy-trading services of the operator. As far as incentives go, eToro don t seem to b e particularly keen on bonuses, though they do give their traders the chance to earn as much as 1,000 by referring 10 friends In this case, the referred friends will be rewarded too, with 200 in eToro credits In order for the scheme to work, the referred friends need to deposit at least 500.Customer Support. eToro feature an extensive customer service wall and help section, where most of the frequent questions are answered In addition to that, traders can also use an email form to contact the support staff Replies to these messages may take as much as 48 hours. eToro Review Conclusion. is beyond doubt the top destination for social trading Regulated and featuring superb trading platforms and services, it represents the easiest path to profitability for unskilled traders. Please share your feedback, experiences and opinions below and thank you for reading my eToro Review If you have any questions concerning any services or binary options brokers feel free to leave a comment below Cheers to success Michael Freeman. North American Derivatives Exchange is a US-based binary option exchange, one of the first ever to legally offer binary options to US residents I feel that Nadex is an absolute must-review for me, not only because more and more EU-based traders are drawn to it, but also because I feel that it may actually represent a glimpse into the future of binary option trading all over the world What is so special about Nadex though and why do more and more people, even from outside the US, trade there. As you may have noticed, I didn t call Nadex a broker, because it isn t one in the currently accepted sense of the word in regards to binary options It is an exchange, which works on an entirely different business model from the single-market maker one currently so popular just about everywhere with the exception of the US The reason why US authorities won t allow traditional binary option brokers to operate in the country, is the fundamental conflict of interest their business model entails This bu siness model sees the broker trade against its own clients, on a platform it wholly controls, and through assets the pricing of which it solely controls as well That doesn t seem like a fair setup, does it. Exchanges like Nadex aren t direct parties in the trading equation They couldn t care less which side of a trade wins, since all they do is provide the technology to bring traders together, so they can trade among themselves With an exchange like Nadex, the price-making is done by the traders themselves, and it s based on the dynamic of supply and demand which is indeed inherently fair, and thus viable over the long-run Nadex trading is a zero-sum game Whenever a trader wins, another trader has to lose The exchange earns its revenues from the commissions it cuts on every trade As such, it only really needs to keep the action going to keep making money This way, traders can be certain they re not swindled by the greedy house, and that pretty much explains why well-informed traders wor ld over find the Nadex setup an attractive one. Of course, given the dynamics of this exchange-based business model, the actual trading process differs from how one would trade at one of the traditional brokers I have done a number of tutorials in this regard and I can tell you that while it may seem daunting at first, everything is very logical and straightforward once you understand how supply and demand drive the pricing of options every step of the way towards expiry. Another factor you need to understand is that Nadex options are capped profits, as well as losses-wise You can never win more than 100 on a single contract, though you are indeed welcome to purchase several of them in one go, thus increasing your profit-potential. Nadex is a trusted and regulated operator, one of two or three such exchanges allowed to work with US traders When it comes to withdrawals, they are indeed serious and trustworthy The withdrawal section at the Nadex site consists of two separate parts one for U S-based customers and one for everyone else. US residents can initiate withdrawals through ACH, on which Nadex do not charge any fees Following the actual withdrawal, it will take 3-5 days for the withdrawn funds to settle in clients bank accounts. Wire withdrawals are also available to US residents They re usually processed within one day Nadex charge a 25 processing fee for every wire withdrawal. While Debit Cards are actually displayed as a withdrawal option for US residents, no funds can be withdrawn to such cards Those who use debit cards to make their deposits, will be able to request ACH and Wire withdrawals once their cards clear a one-time verification process. For non-US residents, the top and only withdrawal method is international wire transfer The 25 processing fee is in place for every such withdrawal though, so making small withdrawals doesn t really make sense for such clients. Debit cards can be used for account-funding by non-US residents too, though money can t actually b e withdrawn to such cards Those who deposit via a debit card will be able to withdraw through wire once their cards are verified. Payouts and Features. Given that we are talking about contract-based trading here, the payouts are always 100 minus fees Options which expire in the money are always worth 100, options which expire out of the money are always worth exactly 0 Obviously, the tricky part here is the minus fees one What sort of fees are we talking about and how much are we looking at. To purchase an option, a trader will always be charged exactly 1 If the trader then goes on and wins his trade finishes in the money for 100 , he ll be charged a 1 settlement fee, for a total of 2 If the trader decides to exit the trade early, he ll pay a 1 trading fee Losing trades those that end up out of the money aren t charged a settlement or a trading fee In such cases, traders only pay a total of 1 in fees. All this makes it obvious that the payout rates at Nadex are far better than anything a t raditional broker will offer in this regard. The main Desktop-based Nadex platform is a web-based, no-download platform, which besides giving traders all the tools they need to buy and sell their contracts, also offers a market depth view and a handy selection of real-time charts and data The platform is designed to allow traders to let the market come to them with the use of limit orders The MOP Market Order with Protection feature, lets traders jump in and out of trades immediately, under favorable conditions. The Nadex website also features a sturdy education section, complete with a video library, webinars, trade examples, handbooks and market commentary. One of my favorite features about Nadex is the fact that they offer a free, no-strings-attached binary options demo so that you can try the platform before making a deposit. Minimum Deposit and Incentives. The minimum deposit currently required by Nadex is only 100, so it s safe to say it is indeed a very accessible option Still, those who are serious about their trading should deposit at least 500 The way Nadex hand out their deposits is extremely original as well Those who make a large enough deposit become eligible to pick up a few free trading days, called Fee Holidays A 500 deposit for instance earns 2 such days During these days, all the above detailed fees are waived, and the exchange makes no money at all on the contracts traded by the beneficiaries of the deal A 1,000 deposit is worth 4 free trading days, while a 3,000 one earns 6 such days. To pick up the maximum of 10 free trading days, one is required to make a 10,000 deposit. Customer Support. Nadex support can be contacted through email or through a couple of phone numbers The toll-free number for the US is 1 877 776 2339 The international number is 1 312 884 0100.Nadex Review Conclusion. Nadex is a very solid, proper and regulated binary option exchange, which boasts by far the best liquidity in the industry and which is therefore able to provide pricing on a surprisingly large range of assets Its payout rates are great and the actual trading mechanism is very interesting. If you re in the US, I recommend that you quit looking for an off-shore broker trade binary options ONLY with Nadex. If you re not in the US, but still would like to trade on an exchange, I suggest reading about Daweda Exchange which is EU-regulated and also provide a free auto trading system. If you are planning to open a Nadex account or already have one you re welcome to join my FREE Facebook signals group. is one of the binary option trading destinations that I just have to review It is quite possibly the first attempt to transfer the US exchange-based trading model to the EU market Daweda is licensed by CySEC and it is fully MiFID compliant Its business model probably makes it a favorite of regulators, after all, it does away with the long-decried conflict of interest that is inherent with the traditional, single market-maker business model The way contract-based trading works at Daweda is extremely simple, quite a bit simpler than the way the US-based model works The return is 100 on every one of the options purchased by the trader, and every contract is priced at exactly 10 This way, one s winning potential on a single contract is capped at 10 The way around this minor impediment is to purchase several options, obviously. Daweda allows trading using your computer, mobile phone and tablet. With the Daweda business model, traders do not trade against the broker They trade against each-oth er Thus, it s clear that every contract needs a buyer as well as a seller The setup is a zero-sum one What one trader wins, another trader loses How does the exchange make its money then Daweda charges a fee of 0 5 on every contract The cost is fixed and traders know exactly what they can expect from a trade before it s actually launched For unmatched orders, no fees are charged. While the advantages of exchange-based trading are obvious, there are a few drawbacks to this business model too Due to the way the pricing is done, the tradable asset selection of an exchange usually suffers It has to be a massively popular operation to be able to offer pricing on as wide a range of assets as most of the brokers do This issue is present with Daweda too Despite that though, there are enough currency pairs and indices and even a couple of commodities to make things work. Another issue is the fact that sometimes, when launched, trades go into pending status This happens because the system needs to find a match for the other side of the purchased contracts, and that s not always easy. To access the Daweda withdrawal page, all one has to do is to hit the Withdraw option in the main menu The withdrawal page is where one s withdrawal-related activity is displayed in full The pending withdrawals are there as well These can be cancelled at the click of a button A new withdrawal can be requested on the same page Withdrawals take 24 hours to process Every trader is entitled to make a free withdrawal once a month For additional withdrawals there s a 25 fee. Daweda have a Know Your Customer and Anti Money Laundering policy in place According to these rules, a number of documents have to be submitted by traders These documents include photo ID card scans, utility bill scans, and a credit card copy. Payouts and Features. The payouts are 100 on all purchased contracts minus the commission of course. The Daweda Auto Trading System. When it comes to features, the Daweda ATS is obviously at the top of the pops ATS stands for Auto Trading System, and it is indeed Daweda s own, in-house auto trader and the first EU-regulated auto trader. The ATS allows traders to set certain parameters, according to which, trades will be taken on their behalf automatically In this regard, the settings are surprisingly simple Traders can set the number of trades the ATS is allowed to take per day, as well as the number of contracts it can purchase per trade In addition to that, the assets which it s allowed the trade, can obviously be selected as well There are two strategies available the Trend strategy which is about following the trend and the Reversal strategy which is looking to take advantage of trend-reversals. The algorithms on which the two strategies are based are rather simple though, as they make no use of advanced technical indicators Daweda are upfront about this and they provide the actual formulae at their site The Stop Loss and Take Profit features allow traders to set limits on the l osses they re willing to accept and on the profits they re willing to take although the latter doesn t really make much sense. While I only recommend using an auto trader if you re an experienced trader, the Daweda Exchange ATS is quite simple to use. Choose the number of contracts you would like the ATS to execute. How many daily trades. Select the strategy Trend or Reversal. Take profit choose how much you want to earn per day as an amount of percentage of your account. Stop loss how much money or percentage of your account will you lose before the ATS stops. Choose your currency pairs and expiries. The bottom line is that unlike the scam auto-traders out there, the Daweda ATS will not trade away your entire balance while you re sleeping. The Order Book. Another outstanding Daweda feature is the Order Book It lets traders take a sweeping look at the markets and the activities of other traders, for every chosen asset The Order Book displays the information in real time, and it consists of two s ections one for the Call orders and another for the Put orders In an environment where one is trading against and competing with other traders, such a tool is indeed very valuable. Minimum Deposit and Incentives. The minimum required deposit at Daweda is 100, which I personally consider very reasonable indeed Every contract costs 10 as said above, so that s the minimum on investments As far as incentives go, Daweda have a unique cash-back program, which rewards account longevity and activity measured in the number of contracts bought To take advantage of this loyalty deal, traders are obviously required to have a live real money account It is recommended that one stick to a single account to maximize his her cash-back potential. Customer Support. The Daweda customer support can be reached via email and phone Their support email is The phone number is 357 22777313 There s an email form available at the site as well. The Daweda Hedging Feature. Daweda make it possible for their traders to hedg e the positions they open, automatically Placing a counter-trade in the opposite direction is as easy as clicking a button The hedging options need to be covered by other traders as well Hedging has to be done with care, as it s a sort of delicate balancing act, which is very easy to get wrong Bear in mind that straight-up hedging makes no mathematical sense whatsoever buying an option and then buying a similar one in the opposite direction. Daweda Exchange Review Conclusion. Everything accounted for, is a rather superb binary option trading destination It is regulated, it features a great trading platform and a rather interesting little toy in the shape of the Daweda ATS Always bear in mind that exchange-based trading is a zero-sum game In order to make money at the Daweda Exchange, you will have to outsmart other traders. Daweda Exchange is not available in the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. US traders should only trade binary options with Nadex. Traders from Australia, New Zealan d and Japan should consider using HighLow. HighLow is a binary option broker based in Australia I ve always had a keen interest in binary option operators from Down Under, because they have to fulfill some very strict regulatory criteria, and as such, they all tend to be extremely serious about they do They aim to draw in traders through a combination of superb trading tools platform and excellent payout rates attractive minimums This is obviously all true in HighLow s case too. Online since 2014, HighLow has already managed to build up a good reputation Licensed by ASIC, the operation has adopted an innovative approach to binary option trading, evident in the web-based and mobile trading platforms it offers The broker uses the single market-maker business model, and it does not accept traders from the US. Why do I personally like HighLow though First of all, the returns it features are downright superb On some option types, it can be as high as 100 Traders can access their funds quickly, and they can make withdrawals just as quickly, without having to deal with any hidden terms and conditions in this regard New account creation is rewarded with cash back, and their support staff is amazing Funds safety is excellent The broker keeps trader monies in segregated accounts and it does not use them for any other purposes. HighLow feature a superb demo account too There s a quick demo option, which lets everyone jump right into the middle of virtual money trading, at the click of a button While profits-wise, the demo account is wholly irrelevant, it does offer traders a way to explore the software, the option types and the general inner workings of the operation HighLow is one of only a handful of binary option brokers who let their traders create a demo account which can then be maintained after the creation of a real money account too. Just about the only downside to HighLow is the fact that they do not accept US traders, but given the business model that they use, that is i ndeed understandable and thus hardly an actual drawback. The corporate entity behind the brokerage is Highlow Markets Pty Ltd, and it s based in Sydney, Australia. HighLow is AU-Regulated. HighLow Withdrawals. Withdrawals are fast and simple with HighLow They accept a number of deposit methods, such as credit cards, Neteller, bank wire and scores of eWallets Every one of the deposit methods can be used for withdrawals too Withdrawal requests are always processed in a timely manner The site offers a cash back deal for newly created accounts, and the terms and conditions attached to it may limit one s ability to withdraw. To make a long story short withdrawals cannot be made until the redemption requirements on the bonus have been met These requirements are extremely reasonable though They re not designed to impede traders ability to withdraw their monies As said above, trader funds are held in secure, segregated accounts with the National Australia Bank NAB Withdrawals are possible to overse as bank accounts too, in which case, a 20 fee will be charged on every transfer. Payouts and Features. According to some reviewers, the maximum payout rates offered by HighLow are around the 90 mark, but apparently, in reality they are 200 on some options - according to However, the site counts your initial investment as part of the return too, so it s safe to say that the maximum is in fact 100 90 may be the average, which is very impressive at any rate. The HighLow trading interface can be accessed by all comers at no cost, through the free demo feature The platform features plain and simple graphics, obviously designed with functionality in mind The amount of information displayed for every option type is sufficient, some would call it an information-rich environment There s a superb walkthrough feature at the site, which takes traders trough the trading platform one step at a time, providing plenty of information about asset selection, about adding various assets to the favorites and a bout the actual trading process The charting solution used in the trading interface may seem a little raw at first, but it is quite useful, even though one can t apply various technical indicators to it directly. The option-types featured aren t particularly impressive, but there are a few of them you won t find anywhere else The most basic type is the High Low, suited for trading range-bound markets or small movements in the underlying asset-price The return on such options is in the 80-90 range. High Low Spread options feature Bid Ask spreads, reflecting the way price-making happens in the Forex markets The payouts on such options can be as high as 100 These options are suitable for trading larger market movements, as the larger payouts make them quite attractive indeed. The Turbo options are essentially short-term options They cover expiry times ranging from 30 seconds to 5 minutes, and they re obviously suited for those after instant gratification. The Turbo Spread options are just lik e the Turbo ones, with the difference that they feature Bid Ask spreads, and are thus suitable for trading larger market movements. The Traders Choice indicator is the simplest and handiest way for traders to gain an understanding on where the investor-sentiment is in regards to a certain asset One can choose to follow the flock or to strike out against the masses Either way, the indicator is a basic trading tool that makes the decision an easier one for beginners as well as for advanced traders Located on the left-hand side of the traded asset chart, the Traders Choice indicator is continuously updated. HighLow s Minimum Deposit and Incentives. The minimum required first deposit is 50 The minimum trade amount has been set to 10, which means that one can log at least 5 trades on a minimum deposit While much larger sums can be staked on single trades too, for those trading on a minimum deposit, it is recommended to stick to the minimums. As far as bonuses go, HighLow offer a 50 cashback dea l This deal is apparently valid for demo accounts too, though in that case, the money is obviously only virtual The redemption requirements on the cashbacks are extremely reasonable, and as soon as they re fulfilled, traders are free to withdraw their cashback monies. Customer Support. The backbone of the HighLow customer support is a ticketing system, which essentially allows traders to air their grievances through email Other than that, there s a phone number available as well 1300-870-442 This is only valid in Australia though and it only works on weekdays, between 9 00 and 4 00 It is always recommended that you read through the FAQ before you contact the support staff. HighLow Review Conclusion. Everything considered, HighLow is a good binary option broker It will not short-change its customers and it will not tinker with the pricing The trading platform is solid, though it could use a few more analysis-oriented tools. In short, if you re in Australia, New Zealand or Japan, look no furt her HighLow is the BEST binary options broker for you. Signing up with HighLow will grant you FREE access to my signals group and the broker s platform is fully compatible with our signals So don t hesitate and open a demo account with HighLow TODAY and I ll see you in my Facebook group. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below this HighLow review. You might also enjoy reading the HighLow Review at. Hey guys, its Mike here and I m back with another scam review for you today regarding a new system commonly referred to as the Facebook of Online Trading So can you trust the United Trading Network software for binary options This has been the question on most traders mind no doubt since the release of this new and intuitive social trading software that is receiving a large amount of buzz in the online investment community lately To answer this question with certainty though, the United Trading Network is indeed a legitimate and proven online trading software for online day-trade rs. With being an authoritative figure in the binary options and Forex arena, I was quite proud and excited to be given exclusive access to the United Trading Network software For a few weeks I gave this system a relentless test drive to see if the hype could match the performance and the results were not only consistent but also better than the results that I achieved with the OptionRobot Software or UpDownSignals Service for binary options Although the website says that there is an average winning percentage of 83 , I accumulated an average just over 76 with my best investment day being 100 in-the-money with 9 investments placed. What I learned truly separated the United Trading Network software apart from the hundreds of other online trading systems and software that I have seen enter and exit the binary options industry would be that this system offers an effective social trading structure Sure, other software in the past have tried implementing a social structure into their system b ut lacked enough of a user-base for it to become effective which ultimately lead to their demise The United Trading Social App for binary options though is used by hundreds of day-traders around the world and does not rely solely upon the signals provided by other professional day-traders. So with being given access to this software ahead of time and having many connections I also had the opportunity to learn quite a bit more about how the software functions and how newbie day-traders across the world are benefiting from using this social featured trading software When compared to other systems that enter the binary options arena that usually say that their system is powered by some advanced algorithm or a couple of fancy, tweaked trading indicators, I tend to roll my eyes and close the page Time after time have I seen these tackless and pitiful marketing tactics aimed at earning your trust without providing any real concrete information on how the system actually generates profitable a nd consistent trading signals. Luckily for me I was given inside information on how the software generates its investment signals and have received approval to disclose some of that information to you guys in this informative software review So what I learned about this trading software is that it involves a three tier signal process that involves the incorporation of 3 proven trading algorithms used in combination with 4 technical analysis based trading strategies In addition, the United Trading Network software also incorporates fundamental analysis and social trading components into the infrastructure of this software so quite a few variables are taken into account prior to an investment being reflected on the United Trading Social App platform. So let s go over how this intuitive and collective trading software creates the investment signals reflected on the United Trading Network s platform Since this is a three tier process the first process to occur is that the software analyzes a variety the potential volatility affecting events to narrow down which assets are currently best to invest with. Now, whether or not an economic calendar is programmed within this software or if the United Trading Network team updates their software on a couple hour basis in regards to all market reports being scheduled to be announced, I am not entirely sure Unfortunately, I was not able to extract this information from them due to proprietary copyrights but to make this understandable the first tier would be that the software analyzes assets and securities that will have a low probability of price fluctuations in the future. Next, those approved assets move onward to the more technical integral which would be where the 3 algorithms and the 4 trading strategies get incorporated into the tier structure of this software You see, in order for a signal to be generated by the United Trading Network software, it must first have an approved asset or security pass tier 1 Then in tier 2, an alg orithm must have a signal that matches a signal created by one of the four technical analysis based investment strategies. If a match does not occur between one of the algorithms and trading strategies then it does not pass through the screening process of this United Trading software and the last tier is not met However, when a match does occur between an algorithm and a trading strategy, the software then completes its final tier and generates the investment signal on the United Trading Social App platform. Unlike most systems that specialize solely in currency pairs, the United Trading Network incorporates currency pairs, stocks, commodities and even indices into the signal structure of the software allowing traders to invest more dynamically and with more variety than any other trading system. One of the best advantages about the United Trading Network software would be that it allows traders to invest in a semi-automated or fully-automated fashion so ultimately you get to decide how you want to invest with this social powered trading software So not only do investors have the ability to optimize their investment portfolio from the fundamental and technical components of this software but they also have the ability to consistently and effectively supplement their income through the social trading aspect of this software. In all honesty, I have yet to find a software that offers the total-package like the United Trading Social App If you have been relentlessly researching that one software that will allow you to actually supplement your income between 450 to 3,500 per month then I implore you to check out the United Trading Social App for binary options All you need to get started would be a minimum broker deposit of 250 and once your account has been funded your software becomes activated and you are all set to go. Check out this video demonstrating how the United Trader software can be used profitably. Perhaps one of the best aspects about the United Trading Network social trader would be that they only work with reliable binary option brokers that are widely-used and possess a solid reputation This is oftentimes one of the biggest issues that investors face when trying to find a reliable software to supplement their income with Another great user-friendly feature that is offered by this software as well would be the educational department that is incorporated into their software For those of you who are completely new to binary options and aren t familiar with how trading systems function and work their free educational center will certainly help you out because it provides complete in-depth tutorials on how to effectively use the semi-automated, auto-trading and social trading features offered by this software. The only downfall that I could find in regards to this system would be that it doesn t accept US traders, unfortunately but see the note at the bottom of this post Everything else about the software is innovative and professional to be hon est and with this being the first successful social trading software for binary options I predict that it will be around for a few more years to come. Why should you consider the United Trading Network for binary options Well if you want a software that actually delivers consistent results for once and if receiving highly accurate trading signals from a wide number of actual professional online day-traders from around the world sounds appealing to you then this software is the only way that you will be able to get one step closer to your goal Listen guys, I ve been in this industry a long time and I know when something special enters this industry Yes, it is true it may only happen once in a blue moon but when it does it becomes HUGE and the United Trading Network for binary options is the next BIG thing. You know I have been so blessed and fortunate to have not only your guys support throughout the past half decade but your love as well I mean it, speaking from the bottom of my heart, I m so lucky to have some of the greatest fans and subscribers in the world which is why I m literally so emotional and overjoyed to share with you this social trading software for binary options Not only will this software change the way that investors trade with binary options but it will make the industry a much better place and a perfect starting point for newbie online day-traders looking for a proven way to make money online from home. Want to Start Social Trading Get Started exclusively at United Trading Network. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read my United Trading Network scam review for binary options I am very excited about this amazing social trading software for binary options and once more the future of binary options looks bright Please make sure to leave your. experience and feedback below and if you would like to join my binary options newsletter to stay in-the-loop in regards to all news related to binary options please, feel free to subscribe at the ri ght-hand side of this page. Lastly, make sure to stick around for several educational and strategy articles that I plan to publish within the next couple weeks on my blog along with a couple performance updates with my personal investing sessions with the United Trading Network. If you are new to binary options, I would like to invite you to join my signals group and trading community on Facebook If you have any questions, please feel free to comment below If you have been scammed please make sure to visit for free assistance. For those of you who are determined to get started with the United Trading Network, you can still check out the website but you will be redirected to an alternative system that is available for US traders I would also like to remind you that I don t recommend to sign up with non-regulated brokers but if you do make sure not to deposit more than the minimum requirement and never accept a broker deposit bonus. Launched in 2013, has grown into the preferred destination for scores of traders in a remarkably short time The success of the operation can be attributed to a number of reasons, one of which is the fact that IQoption s minimums are hands-down the very best in the business As one of the industry-leading brokers, IQ Option deserves a full review Being as popular as they are comes with certain costs of course, one of which is that they receive some negative feedback from some of their disgruntled traders I can whole-heartedly affirm though that the operation is legitimate indeed, and the complaints regarding various withdrawal issues are either unfounded, or they re posted by traders who haven t provided the documentation required for such an operation. IQoption used to have an extremely advanced trading robots platform too, which allowed traders to create their own auto-traders and to put them to the test in various trading competitions This feature has recently been discontinued though. The IQoption platform is superb It s a proprietary one and it comes with a user-friendly trading interface, as well as a number of interactive learning tools IQ Option features some of the best returns in the binary option trading industry, to go with its attractive minimums. IQoption is licensed by CySEC, and as such, it is fully MiFID-compliant In addition to its Maltese license, IQoption is registered with a number of other European regulators, such as the FCA, Consob, BaFin and AFM, among others. IQ Option Withdrawals. Despite some of the complaints out there, provided all the required documents are made available, IQoption withdrawals are smooth and seamless It usually takes the operator one day to process a withdrawal request The maximum in this respect depending on the method used is 3 days While IQ Option doesn t charge any fees, various commissions may be charged by payment providers. In some cases, the broker may indeed ask for certain documents from the traders The exact requirements in this respect will be emailed to the trader The req uired documents have to be scanned and sent in. While there is no minimum on withdrawals, for technical reasons, the operator cannot process withdrawals of less than 2.Payouts and Features. The maximum on IQoption payouts is in the neighborhood of 91 For most of the options though, it s lower than that Interestingly, IQ Option only offers two trade types Turbo and Binary The Turbo options feature expiries under 5 minutes, while the Binaries offer expiries over the 15 minute mark A new option-type product is in the works as well, which I personally am looking forward to Called Classic option, this category will allow traders to purchase options which they will be able to sell at any time, featuring limited loss potential and unlimited profitability. For the time being though, we re looking at 88 payouts on Turbo options and 77 on the Binaries On currency pairs like the EUR GBP though, we have 90 , so yes indeed, the IQoption payout rates are great. When it comes to features and various trad ing tools, the IQoption platform is unbeatable It carries all the indicators and graphical tools that one could possibly need for proper technical analysis The charting feature supports 4 chart types, there are 4 lines and no fewer than 12 different indicators available. The IQ Option trading interface offers one-click access to just about everything the operator has to offer One can access his her trading history and open positions which are wonderfully drawn up onto the graph too , there s a handy news section, video tutorials, as well as a special offers section, which features one or two assets on which the trading conditions are better than on others for some reason One can view this feature as a sort of trading signal feature, which lets the trader decide the direction of the trade as well as expiry. This sophisticated trading platform can be accessed by everyone, without the need to make a real money deposit IQoption offer a great demo account with 1,000 in virtual funds, which ca rries all the features of the real money trading platform. Trading Platform FREE Demo. Minimum Deposit and Incentives. The feature that I personally found the most attractive about IQoption is that they only require one to deposit 10 While for a seasoned trader, this super-low limit doesn t really offer anything interesting, for a beginner, it shines an entirely different light upon the whole operation in terms of affordability With such a generous minimum on deposits, comes an equally generous minimum investment amount Traders are only required to stake 1 on their trades, which means that the minimum deposit will actually let them purchase 10 positions. In light of the latest requirements of European regulators, IQ Option do not offer any sort of bonuses, nor do they actively encourage their traders to trade more in any way. IQ Option Customer Support. IQoption support can be contacted from the website of the operation, or directly from the trading interface They have a ticket-based system going, which requires traders to open a ticket and to ask their question It will then take the IQoption support staff an average of 25 minutes to answer the question Those who do not want to wait, can contact IQ Option support by phone too Their number is 44 20 8068 0760, and it s available 24 7, around the clock There is no localized phone support. IQoption s Weekend Quotes. Some traders will be surprised to see that IQ Option features quotes during the weekends too, when the markets are closed These quotes are a unique feature which allows traders to trade through OTC Over the Counter instruments on weekends too An OTC deal is a deal made between two parties, without going public. IQ Option Review Conclusion. I ve done a lot of trading through various brokers and trading platforms, and with certainty stemming from that experience, I can affirm that is one of the best binary brokers out there Their platform is superb in every way, they are accessible for everyone, and their payouts are extremely fair as well It is one of my top trading destinati ons, as it s quite possibly the best place to start your trading venture. I suppose most of the people who read this review, except for those of you who are in the US, Canada and Australia, already have an account with IQ Option since it s one of the brokers I recommend to those who want to join my signals group If for some reason you don t already have an account with them make sure to open a free IQ Option account as this is definitely one of the best binary options brokers out there. Yes, as you all may have been wondering we are still alive and kicking We would thoroughly like to apologize for our extreme absence from the binary options industry for quite sometime but we would like to announce that we are back full-time stronger than ever and plan to provide you with mountains of educational articles and endless amounts of comprehensive scam reviews With this promise set in stone, let s get back to business and discuss a rather unique trading software that has recently emerged within the binary options industry known as the OptionRobot Now, just like any day-trader would like to know can you actually generate a consistent profit with the OptionRobot trading software for binary options. Well, we are glad to report that after testing the software for over the duration of two weeks, it has proven that it can generate a substantial and consistent sum of supplemental income You know for almost four years now we have been providing free trading strategies, scam exposure reviews and educational investment articles to thousands of online viewers without ever asking for anything in return That is just the way we are to be honest, that is how how we were hard-wired to be and that is how we will continue to be for all the rest of our days to come Unlike most of the binary option software, systems or services that will promise you the moon and to take you from rags-to-riches, this is perhaps one of the few software that doesn t feed with you falsehoods and deceit. There are sev eral advantages of the OptionRobot software compared to other competitive software but perhaps the three biggest advantages associated with this system would be how it yields an average success rate between 68 to 75 , is available to every online investor no matter where you reside and lastly how it can be used as a semi-automated or fully-automated trading software Dissimilar to the vast sum of auto traders that are flooding the binary options industry one of the reasons why we took so much time off, too much stress and too many death threats , the OptionRobot software yields an average success rate over 70 whereas most of the other systems that we have tested out for our subscribers typically achieve an average 40 to 50 in-the-money ratio. With the OptionRobot software accepting traders from East to West, North to South and from all walks of life it has accumulated a tremendous amount of users all within a relatively short duration of time In less than a year, has accrued a user base exceeding 14,000 traders so obviously this system is doing something right Another aspect of this software that deserves some recognition would be how it actually assigns reliable or regulated brokers for you to sign up with We have seen far too many times binary option trading systems and software that are supposed to be the next quote-on-quote great thing yet before you even have the opportunity to get started you become hesitant and stop right in your tracks because the brokers assigned to you to gain access to the software have an unfavorably bad number of reviews and a bad reputation. With the OptionRobot software you are encouraged to sign up with reliable brokers that have outstanding and untarnished reputations such as 24Option and StockPair You don t have to worry about signing up with unreliable brokers which is perhaps one of the many reasons why this software has generated such a vast and dense trader base Not to mention that the OptionRobot software can be used in a manual or automated investment mode whereas 9 out of every 10 systems only give you the option of fully-automated trading and more often than not they don t even empower you and give you the ability to turn those software off if the accuracy of the systems starts to deteriorate and crumble As you may have assumed by now, though the OptionRobot software does provide you with this ability along with the power to manipulate whatever settings you deem fit. In fact, binary option day-traders have the ability to choose a variation of over 140 different settings with this software which ultimately gives you more user-control than any other binary options system or software available in the industry You are given the power when to turn the system on or off, which settings the software should incorporate and most importantly you are given control to secure a better financial future for you and your family One truth we are have learned the hard way over our time in this industry would be that a binary o ptions trading system, software or service is only as good as the broker they require you to sign up with Remember that if you could because that is the cold, honest truth You could have the best system in the world but if you can t withdrawal your funds then what is the point. Moving onward now we will discuss some our experience with the OptionRobot trading software and the settings that we discovered to work out the best for us Since this is a manual and automated trading software, we decided to try out both styles of investing and found that investing on manual allowed us to generate a higher success rate with investments winning by a larger margin of pips Now this isn t to take away from the automated trading mode, we also experienced good success 71 35 but the manual mode allowed us to maximize more of our investments and yield a success rate just over 73 We also learned that using the classic or fibonacci method of investing produced the most accurate results when investing and w e also took the initiative to incorporate our Short-Term Reversal Strategy and Best 5 Minute Strategy to add extra conditions and improve signal strength. We ve been fortunate enough to become one of the most visited binary options portals out of the web and after some much needed time off we feel extremely blessed and grateful to start delivering you with free educational strategy articles, intuitive trading approaches and never-ending scam reviews to keep you safe and take your binary options investing to new heights Please if you at anytime have any questions or feedback to share with us about the OptionRobot trading system or investing online in general, please don t hesitate to leave a comment below We are here to grow and prosper together as a community as we have since day one and that is what we shall continue to do. Get Started with OptionRobot exclusively at. Thank you for taking the time to read our OptionRobot scam review and if you would like to become part of our investment group of over 5,000 subscribers, please feel free to subscribe to our blog on the right hand side of this page Make sure to stick around because we will be providing you guys with endless amounts of great educational content and conclusive scam reviews to come. Note from Michael Freeman. While OptionRobot may be an excellent software, I d like to remind you that I don t recommend to sign up with non-regulated brokers If you decide to use a non-regulated broker, make sure you don t deposit more than the minimum and that you don t approve any bonuses or account management services Also, using OptionRobot profitably requires trading skills and knowledge If you re new to binary options, I would like to invite you to join my signals group and trading community on Facebook If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below If you have been scammed, please visit for assistance. Update March 2017 NEO2 is no longer available Check out my recommended signals page for alternatives. If you ve been wondering why I didn t post videos or new reviews for a while, NEO2 or NEO Squared is the reason, as it literally consumed my schedule For months since I got together with Dr Jack Piers, PhD and Amit Gupta, the absolute best programmer I met in my life, I literally placed everything that is not associated with the development of on hold First if you are not familiar with me, my name is Michael Freeman, I am real vs the actors you might have seen on Auto-trading scam sites Unfortunately we ve seen many of those, and even if the service is not a fraud, based on all the feedback I ve been getting for years, most day-traders end up disappointed for the most part. For over 4 yeahs I ve been posting trading strategy videos and industry updates on YouTube, and I gained a lot of authority but also many valuable contacts I have many followers on YouTube and a Free Facebook signals group the largest in the industry I know everything about Auto-Traders and the technology that s behi nd it, unfortunately I also know a lot about the scam services that are marketed and advertised literally everywhere You can find reviews exposing most of these counterfeit sites, on my Blacklisted scam sites page. It s possible that I got more credit than I should, in reference to the NEO2 development If it wasn t for Dr Jack Piers, PhD and his extensive knowledge in Solar Activities, Weather Forecasting and it s impact on Commodities, this project would ve not been so successful Using Technical Analysis alone, not me or anyone I know, managed to maintain a winning performance with an Auto-Pilot software and consistently It s nothing new that humans can predict the impact of Solar Activities and Weather on so many things, including Commodities Taking this data, as it streams live from Weather Forecasting Satellites and using it to spot solid trends, is nothing that was ever done or seen before Those who are not familiar with binary options should know that Commodities are assets that a re traded on literally all binary options broker platforms in the industry. The idea we had in mind was to take an actual Solar Tracker and sync it with an auto-trading system, but the programming was beyond me, this is when Jack Piers thought of letting Amit Gupta in on this Initially I thought we were going to fail at reducing the software speed, but with the help of Amit Gupta we figured it out and ensured that can process data within milliseconds, while keeping the user interface very simple, user-friendly and easy to use for anyone, irregardless of your experience with day-trading, which brings me to the software features It s very simple to use and has 3 key components to it as demonstrated by Amit Gupta on The Solar Tracker, Trade-Algo Button and Auto-Pilot activation mode First you must activate the Solar Tracker and Trade-Algo with two clicks, and after the lights are on, go ahead and activate the Auto Trader and you re all set. The NEO2 Software Interface Review Simple and Easy to Operate. I am pretty sure that the first question you might have is, if NEO Squared is free or if we re charging money for it The idea we have is to launch NEO2 aka NEO Squared on For those who are not familiar with this website, it s the world s leading platform for new innovations, and web-based businesses for the most part We have no doubt that we re going to receive amazing recognition with the help of Kick Starter but as soon NEO2 makes it there, we re charging a yearly fee of 7,900 but please don t get into shock mode There s no possible way for us to charge this amount of money from traders before all the live testimonials will surface and help us secure this mission The consistency of NEO2 has already been confirmed by many investors including, William Van Loon NEO2 CFO, who s also in charge of making sure that this project qualifies for Kick Starter All of us are partners in this, I personally invested thousands of dollars into NEO2 Since everyone who is currently testing t he software is not disappointed, and we re able to maintain a performance over 80 ITM every day, not on lucky days or during a Friday s NFP session, we believe that the price is more than reasonable. If you don t have 7,900 to invest in order to gain access to NEO2, you can register before we launch it on Kick Starter and I personally guarantee that we won t charge you a dollar We worked really hard to develop NEO2 and I am sure that everyone in the industry will appreciate it, we re hoping for many positive reviews and I am pretty sure that we ll see plenty I am going to give you my word, you will not be disappointed and you are much better off giving a true innovation a chance, rather than test a bunch of scam services that fail to deliver I wish I could stay modest about this, all I can tell you is that you ll be amazed. This NEO2 Review cannot be unbiased as I am one of the creators, but if I wasn t confident, I would never risk my reputation by creating a service that is bound to fa il day-traders, I decided to offer help with service related questions, but you can also contact the support directly. I am really excited knowing that we finally got it right I will also post a quick video introduction to my YouTube followers, and by the way, make sure to subscribe I am anxiously looking forward to get some feedback, you can also comment below this review and I ll get back to you as soon as I can Cheers to a lot of success Michael Freeman. Posts navigation. Subscribe to Mike s Blog.

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